Elements Series
Visit any of the category pages listed here to purchase:
Wall Sculptures - Trays - Vessels
If you prefer, you may call or email me to acquire my work.
American Elm Obelisks
Obelisks - Not available online
$1000 - $2000 - Currently Sold Out
Free-hand carved from a single block of various hardwoods, featuring hand wrought steel staples which echo the Japanese Kintsugi tradition. Displayed on steel stands. I normally have several on hand ranging in height from 5' to 7' tall. Bases are 8 1/2" square. Due to shipping challenges these are only available for acquisition at shows and exhibitions. Exhibition Schedule
Obelisks - Sold out online
$1000 - $2000 - Currently Sold Out
Free-hand carved from a single block of various hardwoods, featuring hand wrought steel staples which echo the Japanese Kintsugi tradition. Displayed on steel stands. I normally have several on hand ranging in height from 5' to 7' tall. Bases are 8 1/2" square. Due to shipping challenges these are only available for acquisition at shows and exhibitions. Exhibition Schedule